THINK ABOUT THIS: Don’t All Religions Lead to God?

You’ve heard it many times before, that “all roads lead to Heaven,” or some variation thereof for the belief that it doesn’t matter which religion you follow because all of the deities involved inspire people to lead good lives and therefore are paths to Heaven.

“Person of Interest” by J. Warner Wallace is available from

This idea is also among the most frequently heard objections to Christianity: “Jesus was a great moral teacher, but so was Muhammed and the Buddha and a bunch of other religious figures down through history, so you are being narrow-minded when you claim Jesus is the only way to be saved.”

Cold-Case Christianity’s J. Warner Wallace, who has made many appearances here on HillFaith, has a fascinating new book out, “Person of Interest,” that examines the amazing impact Jesus has had on human history, an impact that dwarfs that of the key figures in other world religions.

Wallace’s point in his new book and in the following 5:04 video is that Jesus, entirely apart from what is claimed about Him in the New Testament, is the single most influential individual to have ever lived. That being the case, He cannot be ignored by anybody who seeks to understand the world as it is and as it will be after He returns:


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  1. Gary Shawver on October 1, 2021 at 11:23 am

    The URL goes to a generic GoDaddy domain page.

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